' Determine if current size of the Editing area is larger than the new maximum size.
If Pic_Edit.Height > Scrl_Zoom.Max Then
Scrl_Zoom.Value = Scrl_Zoom.Max
End If
End Sub
' When the Editor is Resized, the the StatusArea must be resized, and hidden if necessary
Private Sub Adjust_Status_Bar()
' Determine if Editor is large enough for StatusArea
If ((ScaleHeight < (Pic_Icons(5).Top + Pic_Icons(5).Height + HIGHLIGHT)) Or (ScaleWidth < 2 * Pic_StatusArea.Width)) And Menu_ViewSelection(MID_STATUS_BAR).Checked Then
' We only want to force it to repaint if its size has changed
If OldHeight <> Pic_StatusArea.Height Then Pic_StatusArea.Refresh
End If
End If
End Sub
' When the Editor is Resized, the the ToolPalette may need to be hidden.
Private Sub Adjust_Tool_Palette()
If ((ScaleHeight < (Pic_ToolPalette.Height + Pic_ColorPalette.Height)) And Menu_ViewSelection(MID_COLOR_PALETTE).Checked) Or ((ScaleHeight < Pic_ToolPalette.Height) And (Not Menu_ViewSelection(MID_COLOR_PALETTE).Checked)) Then